Monday, 25 August 2014


Room 16 have been doing gymnastics. We did it with Coach Stewart. We learnt how to do forward rolls and backward rolls. We also learnt how to do bear rolls and table turns. There were two methods for the backward roll- putting your hands behind your neck or rotating your arms from in front to behind and pushing your body over.

We learnt how to do a candle stand and a shoulder stand and we have learnt how to do a bridge. All of us got to walk on the beam. On the beam you can walk backwards, forwards or even sideways! You could also turn around when you jumped off for your landing.

This Wednesday will be the last time we do gym with Coach Stewart so we’re trying to learn as much as we can now. It was very fun and tiring but we kept on going until we couldn’t do it anymore!

By: Solana (Editor: Sylvie)


  1. It was interesting observing everyone challenging themselves at gymnastic lessons! (Ms Lin)

  2. It was hard at first but i got the hang of it at the end. my favorite part is the candle stand. [ Annabelle ]

  3. I had done gym before so I knew already how to do most of it. he taught things differently to what I learned at my gym it was interesting learning his ways though (una)

  4. Gymnastics makes me feel happy because it is very challenging and we get to do lots of stretches. (Solana)

  5. I learnt lots of things at gymnastics.I enjoyed it.(Inginn)

  6. Doing gymnastics was a good experiance. My faviourte was the box. (KYAN)

  7. Gymnastics was awesome and exhilarating. I liked walking on the beam and doing the backward rolls.The candle stands stretched my body out. (Jamie)

  8. I liked doing gymnastics with coach Stewart. I liked doing the bridge and cartwheels. I loved the gymnastics and I will be disappointed when it ends on Wednesday. (Linnea)

  9. I enjoyed going to gym because you got to stretch your body and do beam and floor. Beam was my favourite because we could do lots of different walking Technics. (Sylvie)

  10. Gymnastics was a little scary for me.l liked the table roll the most. [Tony]

  11. gymnastics with coach Staurt was an exordanairy experiance. and i can not wait to do it next year. (KYAN)

  12. I enjoyed doing gymnastics with coach Stewart i liked the beam it was easy and sometimes hard the backward roll was easy the cartwheel was hard.And the gymnastics was a good experience.(Siddhi)

  13. Gymnastics was BRILLIANT.It was very hard to choose what was my favorite.It was a great experience to know how to do all this stuff with my body. (Reign)

  14. I like gym cause you get to do run. my faviourte was the jumping. ISHKA

  15. I think gymnastics is spilendid idea . I liked the floor.(Yasmin)

  16. Gym has been a good expriance my faviourte was the candle stand.(Isabella)

  17. Gymnastics is awesome, I didn't know I could keep my balance like that. But I think I am way better at swimming than gymnastics. (Jayden)

  18. i feel happy doing gym because we get to run and jump. (Harrison)

  19. Gymnastics were very worthwhile and good.My favorite was the box because I can jump (George)

  20. Gym was exhilarating. I liked walking on the beam most. (Zoe)

  21. I liked gymnastics because I loved learning more and more things. Like jumping over the box.My favorite was the bridge because you got to stretch your back out and I loved that part.(Mia)

  22. I loved gym because you could do different things like do cartwheels and bridges also going on the beam. I think that the best part was going on the beam. (Georgia)

  23. Doing gymnastics was a marvelous experience. I was so excited because I had never done gymnastic before.

  24. I liked the box and the beam and I liked moving my body in different ways. Peter

  25. gimnastics was very very cool and ausome.
    because I loved balensing on the pol.

  26. I like gym because it is just like sports.(Lawrence)
